Search by Distance from Any Location

Using this Search Criteria you can search for people who
are within a radius of 10 km, 100km and so on from your chosen location.
This is specially relevant during this Corona – Covid period when people are not able to travel easily.

The other benefit is in case you wish to travel to a place – say Mayapur or Vrindavan and wish to find out how many people are within says 25 km of that location.

We have restricted this search feature to some chosen donors. We hope you can take full advantage of this feature.

Search by Current Location

Are you looking for a lady or a gentleman ?

You can select more than One. Spiritual Love, Spiritual Friendship, Spiritual Marriage

Current Location

Search for Members who are Donating towards this service

Sometimes you may not find a person in a certain location. This is because when they specified their location, they did not clearly state their current location. We have had cases where someone in Delhi has chosen India as the location and someone in Paris has chosen France as their location.

We are constantly requesting our many members to accurately choose their location, so that they can be found by others.

When you see the search results and wish to open a Profile, please do on in a New Tab or New Window. This way it will be more convenient for you to check many profiles.

We wish you the very best in your Search.

TIME is my most precious Resource

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I won't waste any more Time chasing other services

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Free Registration in 3 ways
  1. You can register using your Google/Gmail account, Facebook or other social logins. This is the quickest way.
    If you want to register using Telegram then click this button Telegram
  2. Register using a simple form with a few details
  3. Register with more details right away.

After you Register, you will get an email which you will click and verify. Then you can login &  fill more details into your profile.

Remember: If your profile is not above 90% complete, people may not take your profile seriously & may not respond to your messages.


You can Register for the first time using the Telegram button

If you have already Registered before,

  • first Login using your Email id & Password
  • then click this Telegram button to connect it

So from Next time onwards you can Login using Telegram

No need to enter email id & password again !


IMPORTANT:  If you already have an account on marryAdevotee, first login the normal way, then go back to this Login button & click the Social Button, to link them together. Then from the next time, you can login using just that button.

(Try this with Telegram, first login with email, then click the same pink Login Button, click Telegram again, and both will connect for easy login next time onwards)
